Publication List
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Free University of Berlin (Germany). I work in Steffi Pohl’s research methods and evaluation lab. As a postdoctoral researcher, my research interests are mainly focused on basic methodological questions of psychotherapy research.
My current main research interests are:
- Improving causal inference in outcome research on psychotherapy in naturalistic settings
What can we learn from outcomes outside of controlled clinical studies?
How can we draw causal conclusions in the absence of randomization and control groups?
- Exploratory causal inference: structure learning, Bayesian networks
Are Bayesian networks suitable for typical data sets from psychological research?
How can we explore the causal associations in non-experimental cross-sectional and longitudinal data?
How can we deal with unobserved confounders and missing data?
- Target Trial Emulation for psychotherapy outcomes
How can we use large data sets from insurance companies to emulate clinical trials?
Other interests I pursue:
- Routine outcome monitoring and clinical support tools in psychotherapy
- Innovative strategies for treatment dissemination, including online and app-based interventions and guided self-help
- Intersession processes in psychotherapy: therapy-related thoughts, feelings and behavior occurring in between sessions
I used to work on these topics, but not anymore:
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